The Game - "We lost some of our best players this year"

 Talking with cousin Bob, who made me laugh and cry as I learned that Uncle Chuck had passed away... 

Under normal circumstances, I'm guilty of wallowing in nostalgia this time of year, but this time - look out! Apparently, I'm not alone, and the cousins (Bob, Karen, Les and Debby) had been discussing the good old days when we all used to get together all the time, and the highlight of the year was the game. Roberta and Chuck were two of the most committed, giving, over-the-top players of the yearly "gift-exchange".  Calling it a gift exchange is not really giving it enough credit for what it had turned into over the decades.  Maybe I'll tell that story next year when I get the Cardboard Santa Shrinky-Dink versions ready to be mailed out to everyone.  This year I'll just remember and miss those fabulous times, those fabulous family members.  



